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Article presents a review of the scientific literature containing data on the role of ultrasound examination of joints in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, ultrasound signs of damage of main elements of joints and periarticular tissues, modern semi-quantitative scales for assessing the severity of main pathological changes detected by ultrasound examination of joints and tendons in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Aim: was to analyze scientific publications in domestic and world literature on ultrasound examination of joints in rheumatoid arthritis.

Materials and methods: 38 scientific sources of leading domestic and foreign journals were analyzed.

Results: currently, radiography is the gold standard in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and is widely used to monitor the progression of rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is not sensitive enough to detect changes at early stage of rheumatoid arthritis, since it only allows assessing bone structures that are involved in the pathological process 6-12 months after the onset of first signs of the disease. Ultrasound examination provides new possibilities for early detection of rheumatoid arthritis, since it allows to detect changes at early pre-radiological stage and to prevent the development of significant structural changes leading to early disability of patients.

Conclusion: the use of ultrasound examination of joints in the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis accelerates the diagnosis, is used to dynamically assess the course of the disease, evaluate the effectiveness of therapy, and also to predict outcomes. The diagnostic effectiveness of ultrasound examination of joints in rheumatoid arthritis involves the identification of synovitis, tenosynovitis, structural changes in the articular cartilage and bone (erosion), and an assessment of the severity of the inflammatory reaction.




Introduction: article provides a literature review on the role of various imaging methods used in the diagnosis and control of effectiveness of therapy for rheumatoid arthritis.

Aim: to analyze domestic and foreign literature sources reflecting the state of the problem and aspects of radiological diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

Materials and methods: 52 scientific sources of leading domestic and foreign journals were analyzed.

Results: conventional radiography today is the most widely used imaging technique for diagnosing and monitoring of progression of rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is not sensitive enough to detect changes in the early stage of rheumatoid arthritis, since it only allows assessment of bone structures. Establishing the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis at the stage of detecting structural abnormalities in joints indicates the presence of functional impairment and disability of patients. At the same time, early diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, at the stage of pre-radiological changes, leads to an improved prognosis of the disease and contributes to preservation of working capacity. In this regard, it becomes necessary to introduce into clinical practice sensitive advanced imaging methods aimed at identifying changes that precede the development of structural changes in bone.

Conclusion: the diagnostic effectiveness of radiation research methods in rheumatoid arthritis implies the identification of synovitis, tenosynovitis, early inflammatory changes in the bone, structural changes in the articular cartilage and bone (erosion), assessment of the severity of the inflammatory response.



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Aim: was to evaluate possibilities of puncture biopsy under ultrasound guidance of parasternal lymph nodes in patients with breast cancer.

Material and methods: study included 34 patients with breast cancer. Criteria for inclusion in the study were: primary breast cancer with a central or medial tumor localization, and patients under observation after previously undergoing surgical treatment. All patients underwent an ultrasound examination of the breast and regional zones, including the parasternal lymphatic collector. All patients underwent biopsy.

Results: in total, 39 parasternal lymph nodes suspicious on secondary lesion were detected, of which 17 (43,5%) lymph nodes had a specific lesion, 22 (56,5%) lymph nodes showed cystological signs of hyperplasia according to results of cytological examination. Parasternal lymph nodes metastases were detected in 16 (47,1%) of 34 patients included in our study. In all cases of specific lesion, lymph nodes were rounded, there was a violation of differentiation of anatomical structures, the absence of a central echo complex, a violation of differentiation and thickening of the cortical layer. In the group of primary patients, 3 (27,3%) patients with metastases in parasternal lymph nodes had distant metastases, remaining 8 (72,7%) patients, due to the lesion of the parasternal lymphatic collector, the stage of the disease were adjusted upwards (stage IIIA).

Conclusion: fine-needle aspiration biopsy under ultrasound-guidance in case of suspected secondary lesion of parasternal lymph nodes, can be successfully used to obtain morphological material with minimal traumatic impact, without the use of anesthesia, which will more adequately assess the state of parasternal lymph nodes at the preoperative stage, correctly set the stage of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.



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According to current recommendations and orders of the Russian Ministry of Health, in the department of ultrasound diagnostics of the oncological center, it is necessary and lawfully to perform invasive manipulations to obtain a morphological verification of the oncological process. Nevertheless, there are significant gaps in the existing normative acts concerning organizational aspects.

Aim: to conduct an analysis of the organization and results of morphological testing of malignant neoplasms in conditions of separation of ultrasonic diagnostics of the Kursk Regional Clinical Oncology Center.

Materials and methods: 5,114 results of histological and immunohistochemical studies of material obtained with biopsies under ultrasound in the period 2012 - 2016 were analyzed. For the first time we included into department - 2 manipulation rooms, corresponding to sanitary requirements for conducting sterile manipulations. We first install Sonoscape S40 scanners in the manipulation rooms. All invasive examinations were performed by ambulatory and resident patients by ultrasound specialists who have a primary specialization in surgery, gynecology or urology Core biopsy was performed under local anesthesia with semi-automatic needles 14G or 16G; a gun-needle system biopsy was performed using a Bard-Magnum biopsy gun, 18 G needle, and a biopsy attachment to the rectal sensor. The material was preserved in a 10% solution of neutral formalin, labeled and sent to the department of oncomorphology with application of the direction to the intravital pathological anatomical study of the biopsy material. Statistical processing of the data was carried out using the SPSS program «STATISTICS 20.0». Conjugation tables were compiled to determine the relationship between variables. Pearson's x2 was used as the communication criterion, and its asymptomatic two-sided significance was estimated.

Results. During the research, high efficiency of the proposed organizational model is revealed. A statistical relationship is revealed between the informativeness of the material and the physiciar who manipulates and organ-object. Ways of development are offered.



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Aim: was to study features of ultrasonic imaging of local and septic forms of acute hematogenic osteomyelitis (AHO) in children.

Materials and methods: 59 patients with AHO, treated in Children's hospital No. 4 of Tomsk, for the period from 2000 to 2010 - were examined. All patients with suspicion on osteomyelitis (n = 59; 100%) underwent x-ray of defeated area and ultrasonic diagnostics on the Ultrasonix 2,6 with the use of linear sensor of 9-12 MHz. All patients with AHO underwent surgical operation (n=59; 100%).

Results: 47 patients had local form of disease. Each patient had one phase of osteomyelitis. Extramedullary phase, the development of which was due to the disease duration - was prevalencing^^,^. Prevalence of quantity of AHO phases (n=19) over total number of patients with a septic forms of disease (n=12), reflected existence of multiple osteomyelitis in four patients. In each patient with septic form of the AHO we found defeat of several bones in identical or different phases of an inflammation.

Conclusion: obtained results will help the earlier identification of AHO signs and determination of disease phase in patients with local and generalized forms of disease. All that will help to proceed modern sanation of osteomyelitic defeat.



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The main part of the research is given to radiodiagnostics of tubercolisis lesion of backbone (traditional x-ray, ultrasound diagnostics, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging). We have exmined 452 patients: 40 patients (8,8%) had cervical spine lesions, 185 patients (41%) - thoracic spine lesions, thoracic-lumbar spine - 75 patients (16,8%), lumbar spine - 141 patients (31,1%), lumbar-sacral spine - 11 patients (2,5%). It is especially marked that combination of lungs tuberculosis and spondylitis is higher not only in patients with antibiotic resistant infection but n patients with tuberculosis combined with AIDS.



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Aim: was to determine possibilities of ultrasound in estimation of the status of parathyroid glands (PTG) in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) treated with percutaneous ethanol injections.

Materials and methods: we examined 200 patients with end-stage of renal disease on dialysis. Enlargement and structural alteration of PTG were noted in 125 patients (62,5 %). Higher level of intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) over 300 pg/ml was noted in the majority of patients with diagnosed parathyroic hyperplasia (81,6 %). Percutaneous ethanol injection therapy under ultrasound guidance was performed in 13 patients with SHPT resistant to medical therapy Average number of injections was 2,8 (from 1 to 6). Treatment effect was assessed based on iPTH level, calcium-phosphorus product level, as well as ultrasound evaluation.

Results: statistically significant decrease of iPTH after injections was noted averaging by 57,3% (p=0,0007), calcium-phosphorus product - by 12,2% (p=0,003). The biggest effect was noted in case of single hyperplastic PTG. During the follow-up, tendency to continued decreasing in levels of iPTH remained in 61,5 %. Decrease of the largest dimension of PTG after ethanol injections was noted on average by 15,1%, decrease of volume by 31,6%. Significant decrease in systolic velocity as well as resistive index of the feeding artery of PTG were observed (p=0,001 and 0,03 respectively). An important sign of diminished functional activity in the injected gland was statistically significant decrease in the vascularization index as assessed by the color Doppler during the process of injections (p=0,002).

Conclusion: ultrasound method provides information necessary for patients' selection for conduction of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy It assists at the time of the manipulation as well as during the follow-up assessing the condition of PTG and effectiveness of treatment. 



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Aim: was to increase the level of differential diagnosis of thyroid nodules by evaluating their rigidity according to two ultrasound techniques - compressive elastography and shear wave elastography.

Materials and methods: study is based on the result of analysis of complex clinical anc ultrasound diagnostics, performed for the period from 2010 to 2015 , on the base of ultrasound department of «Central Clinical Hospital of Ministry of Internal Affairs» of the RF in Moscow, and Medical Radiological Research Center named after AF Tsyba - FGBU branch of «National Medical Research Radiological Center» MoH Obninsk.

Results: performed shear wave elastography, obtained quantitative data of rigidity of benign nodules and papillary carcinoma. Used methods of nonparametric statistics and ROC-analysis. Statistical processing was performed in SPSS 13.0 program. For benign nodes median of regidity was 15.6; 2,5-97,5 percentiles - 3,6-81,3; for papillary cancer: median 112.92; 2,5-97,5 percentiles - 13,5-196,4. Then followed an orange and yellow-red: blue color was not more than 20%, but mostly he was absent. In case of papillary cancer we observed two-color, three-color, four-color and six-color color, with prevailing of two colors - purple and blue.

Conclusions: both types of elastography - compressive and shear wave elastography - help to improve the differential diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Informativeness of shear wave elastography is higher, in comparison with compressive elastography.



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